Äggarullet Open 2024

Note. The competition is played in an open-class without HCP (Women have 8p/game in HCP) with a final round, as well as a separate HCP-class with a final round (max 42p/game in HCP, free game strength 80% of 222 p). It is allowed to compete in both classes at different starts (not at the same time).


5 min warm-up
Qualification 6 games EU, lane movement after every game
Women have 8p/game in HCP
24 players qualify to the final round (17 best results + 7 gateways)
In the event of a tie, the highest positioned athlete will be the athlete scoring the highest last game
Prize money is awarded to the top 24 players in the final round


Max 2 reentries
1: st reentry can be booked before playing your first start.
You have 2 reentries available in each class if you choose to compete in both classes

Competition Gateways

Early Bird

1 Final spot to the highest score from the Early Bird-starts who does not end up top 17 in qualification.

Best Female

1 Final spot to the highest score who does not end up top 17 in qualification.

Best Female U21

1 Final spot to the highest score who does not end up top 17 in qualification.

Best Male U21

1 Final spot to the highest score who does not end up top 17 in qualification


The athlete who gets highest score in game 5 and is not top 17 earns 1 final spot
The athlete who gets highest score in game 6 and is not top 17 earns 1 final spot


The Desperado gateway is played after the last start, 31/3 kl. 13.30.
Highest score in 1 game earns 1 final spot.
To enter, you must have done at least 1 start in the competition and have not qualified to the final.
To sign up, contact the alley at phone number (+46)371-814 46. State what Desperado class you want to enter.

All gateways: In the event of a tie, the highest positioned athlete will be the athlete scoring the highest last game (Note. does not apply to Desperado)

Finals Open-class:
Sunday April 27 2025

Finals OPEN-Class

Monday April 1st 2024

Final Step 1
Places 9-17 from qualification + all 7 gateways play 6 games AM.
10 min warm-up
Start time: 9.00

Final Step 2
Top 8 from Step 1 + top 8 qualifiers play 6 games AM.
10 min warm-up
Start time: Lane maintenance after Step 1 + 10 min. Est. 12.00

Final Step 3
Top 8 from Step 2 play in a Round Robin tournament. 1 game AM/match in 7 matches. Scores from Step 2 are carried over to this Step.
10 min warm-up before first match
Bonus points after every match: 30 for win, 15 for tie, 0 for loss

Final Step 4
Top 4 from Step 3 play in a step-ladder final. 1 game AM/match.
4th place face against 3rd place (2 frame warm-up per lane and player).
Winner in match 1 face against 2nd place (2 frame warm-up for entering player)
Winner in match 2 face against 1st place (2 frame warm-up for entering player)
Higher ranked player in each match choose which lane to play final frame on.

Starting fees Open-class

Squad 1-7 Early Bird: 650 SEK
Squad 8 - last squad: 750 SEK
Reentry (max 2): 650 SEK
Turbo in game 5 & 6: 50 SEK (optional)

300-chance in qualification

100 SEK (optional)
70% of the money is split amongst the players who succeed in scoring a perfect game.
30% of the money goes to the charity Bowlare Bryr Sig, in favor of the Swedish Cancer Foundation.
If no one scores a perfect game, then 100% of the money will go to the charity Bowlare Bryr Sig, in favor of the Swedish Cancer Foundation.

Prize money in Open-class

1:a 32 000 sek. |  2:a 15 000 sek. |  3:a 8 000 sek. | 4:a 5 500 sek. |

5:e - 6:e. 3 250 sek.  | 7:e - 8:e. 2 500 sek.  | 9:e - 12:e. 1 500 sek. |   13:e - 18:e 1 000 sek. | 19:e -24:e. 750 sek |

Total Prize money:  88 500 kr.

5 min warm-up.
Qualification 6 game EU, 1 lane movement after every game (HCP  MAX 42 p/serie).

HCP Counted on afterwards. 

16 players qualify to the final rounds. 11 best results + 5 gateways.

In the event of a tie, the highest positioned athlete will be the athlete scoring the highest last game
Prize money is awarded to the top 16 players in the final round


Max 2 reentries
1: st reentry can be booked before playing your first start.
You have 2 reentries available in each class if you choose to compete in both classes

Competition Gateways

Early Bird

1 Final spot to the highest score from the Early Bird-starts who does not end up top 11 in qualification.

Best Female

1 Final spot to the highest score who does not end up top 11 in qualification. Incl HCP


The athlete who gets highest score in game 5 and is not top 11 earns 1 final spot
The athlete who gets highest score in game 6 and is not top 11 earns 1 final spot


Desperado – Endast 48 platser. Spelas efter sista start. 31/3 kl. 13.30 Bästa slagning över 1 serie = 1 finalplats som inte placerat sig bland de 11 bästa. Minst 1 ordinarie start i tävlingens klass måste man ha deltagit i för att kunna delta i desperadon. Anmäl dig till bowlinghallen på tel.nr: 0371-814 46. Uppge vilken Desperadoklass du vill deltaga i.

All gateways: In the event of a tie, the highest positioned athlete will be the athlete scoring the highest last game (Note. does not apply to Desperado)

Finalspel HCP-Klass

Söndagen den 31:a mars 2024

Final step 1

The 11 best athletes from the qualification andthe five athletes from the gateways plays 4 games EU inkl HCP.

Final step 2

Top 8 from Step 1 play in a Round Robin tournament. 1 game AM/match in 7 matches. Scores incl. HCP from Step 1 are carried over to this Step.
10 min warm-up before first match
Bonus points after every match: 30 for win, 15 for tie, 0 for loss

Final step ladder

Top 4 from Step 2 play in a step-ladder final. 1 game AM/match.
4th place face against 3rd place (2 frame warm-up per lane and player).
Winner in match 1 face against 2nd place (2 frame warm-up for entering player)
Winner in match 2 face against 1st place (2 frame warm-up for entering player)
Higher ranked player in each match choose which lane to play final frame on.

Startingfees in HCP-Class

Squad 1-7 Early Bird: 400 kr 

Squad 8 – last squad: 500 kr

Reentry (max 2): 400 kr

Turbo in game 5 & 6: 50 SEK (optional)

300-chance in qualification: 

100 SEK (optional)
70% of the money is split amongst the players who succeed in scoring a perfect game.
30% of the money goes to the charity Bowlare Bryr Sig, in favor of the Swedish Cancer Foundation.
If no one scores a perfect game, then 100% of the money will go to the charity Bowlare Bryr Sig, in favor of the Swedish Cancer Foundation.

Prize money HCP-class

1:a 7 500 kr.  | 2:a 3 800 kr. |  3:a 2 000 kr. |  4:a 1 000 kr. |  5:e - 8:e 500 kr. |  9:e - 16:e 400 kr. 

Total prize money: 19 500 kr

A minimum of 4 players must be signed up for a start to be carried out. If there are only 3 players signed up, a sparring player will be added to carry out that start. In other cases, the starting players will be moved to the closest available date that is not fully booked. OBS. Sign up for the first start is binding! Only moving of start (other date or later of same date) is allowed! Eventual same date reentry start will also be moved (excluding illness).

It is allowed to change the surface of the ball during all official warm-ups. This is under the circumstance that the ball is clean wiped afterwards and that changes are done by hand with approved polish or cleaning product outside of the competition area (the run-up) without hindering the player’s next warm-up throw. Balls with a balance hole may NOT be used. It´s not allowed during matches (in or between games) to change the surface of the ball that is used at the start of the competition. It is not allowed during matches to clean the ball’s surface with anything other than a dry cloth or anything similar. During the finals, it is allowed to change the ball’s surface between steps. Note. the step-ladder final counts as 1 step. Only entering players in the step-ladder may change the surface by the rules during warm-ups.

Note. registration for the first start is binding. Only moving the start is allowed.

We follow FHM recommendations, which means that the competition may be canceled if we get new directives from FHM. The competition may be canceled due to low number of participants. If the competition gets canceled, we will try to change it to a different date. If the newly selected date does not work out, the starting fee will be refunded to affected players.